We often fall sick due to environmental reasons, pollen grains or weak immune system. Healthy food can come be a saviour to build and strengthen your immune system. Overall, the wellness of a person majorly depends on the food one eats. Food is our medicine so eat right!
It is also known as “Liquid Gold”. It’s natural and safer than sugar. Consumption of honey increases beneficial antioxidant agents. The health benefits of honey are far too many. For instance, it stimulates antibodies and combats harmful microbial activity. It’s an energy booster and is anti-cancerous. Flavoured honey even makes your drink or dish interesting.
is known as the world’s healthiest food. It contains a wide range of essential oils like phenolic compounds, flavonoids and anthocyanins which help in treating arthritis and inflammation. It has anti-aging properties and is rich in anti-oxidants & anti-bacterial properties. The honey and basil combination is pure magic.
A date with them will relieve you from constipation, intestinal disorders, heart problems, anaemia, sexual dysfunction, diarrhea and abdominal cancer. Dates are rich in several vitamins, minerals & fiber and contain oil, calcium, sulphur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper and magnesium which are all beneficial for you. Health benefits of dates also include, muscle development. Eat one per day for a balanced and healthy diet.
They are loaded with antioxidants that protect the body against oxidative stress, which can damage the cells and lead to pre-mature aging and other diseases .The brown layer of the skin has a concentrated dose of antioxidants. Almonds are among the world’s best vitamin E sources and it contains fat soluble antioxidants. The health benefits of almonds also include lowering of LDL cholesterol and increase of HDL cholesterol. The magnesium present in almonds helps control blood pressure.
The proteins and B vitamins in these make it a good choice for a post or pre workout snack. Arginine, a protein found in watermelon seeds, regulates blood pressure and treats coronary heart disease. B vitamins are necessary for converting food into energy and for other important bodily functions.
It is a natural “algae”. It is incredibly high in protein and is a good source of antioxidants, B-vitamins and other nutrients. It’s packed with protein and essential amino acids and is recommended for vegans and vegetarians due to its high natural iron content. It also contains essential Omega 3s, 6s and 9s. Spirulina is high in calcium - it has 26 times the calcium in milk and therefore is the most suitable for children, the elderly and pregnant women. Spirulina powdercan be added to your smoothies.
It is an excellent detoxifying food - it is filled with amino acids, vitamins and minerals and is nature's best cleanser. The health benefits of Aloe Vera are: it supports the immune system, lowers cholesterol & blood sugar and is good for digestion and hair growth. It can be consumed as a juice or in tablet form.
It is also called a superfood. It is a rich source of antioxidants (even more than cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, or blueberries) - it removes free radicals from the body and rejuvenates the cells. Acai berryalso has anti-aging properties and promotes weight loss. The beneficial fatty acids, such as oleic acid, and fiber keep the system functioning smoothly.
It has been demonized in the past as it contains saturated fat. Many studies have proved that saturated fats are not bad. When consumed they go directly to the liver from the digestive tract and is used as a quick source of energy. The medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) in coconut oil increases energy consumption leading to significant weight loss. The lauric acids in coconut oil can kill bacteria, viruses and fungi and fights infections. Use coconut oil as one of your cooking oil mediums.